Garioch Sports COVID-19 Update
In light of the latest governments announcement and re-introduction of some restrictions on how we are to operate. We want to continue to advise our users that Garioch Sports Centre continues to be a safe and enjoyable environment for you all to attend and participate in sport and exercise.
The following restrictions affect how we operate at GSC over the next period which we are hopeful is for 3 weeks. These will come into effect when we reopen post-Christmas on 27th December 2021.
- 1M SOCIAL DISTANCING will return for all activity and services, we ask that all our users follow this strictly for everyone’s safety and consideration.
- FACEMASKS ARE TO BE WORN at all times continues! Any areas out with your activity location facemasks are strictly required, no facemask or covering on arrival no entry! Unless medically exempt.
- INDOOR ADULT CONTACT SPORT (18+) will stop from the 26th December for an initial period of 3 weeks. (Please check your sport governing body guidance for full information).
- We ask that you continue to CLEAN ALL EQUIPMENT & SURFACES used during activities with the sanitiser solution provided to you. Our team at GSC will also continue to maintain high standards of cleanliness throughout our facilities.
- We kindly ask that if you are scheduled to attend GSC then please do a LATERAL FLOW TEST BEFORE ATTENDING. This isn’t a legal requirement, but we encourage this, hopefully this will eliminate COVID-19 coming to GSC.
- As always please CONTINUE TO BE RESPECTFUL of all our users, everyone has their own views on COVID-19 and we understand that. We at GSC are facility for all and our guidance must be followed so we can keep everyone safe, we thank you for you continued understanding and support.
We hope you can all can continue to enjoy and utilise GSC through the festive period and into Jan 2022, our team will be here ready to keep you healthy, happy and active. We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas from the team here at Garioch Sports.